"Either Do something worth writing or Write something worth Reading", they say. Hello Readers! I was just thinking about how people write, and it just came to my knowledge that about half the students of my class write, you know poems and songs and such. Its just the expression of creativity and talent. Then I started thinking about as to what makes what they write, good enough for us to want to read it? I stumbled on the answer, while watching the play written by Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamr. A beautiful play to be honest, i loved it, you must check it out, the name is "Sadqay Tumhare". There's a simple answer to the aforementioned question, "You can immediately recognize a good piece of art if it messes with your head." If something you read, messes with you normal mental stability, I mean, if something grabs on and doesn't let go for about at least a week, and then you are tempted to read it again, and when you do it, it climbs on again that is...
This is one the best you have written.