Greetings! Readers.
Oh! That guy is talking to himself on the subway. Steer clear of him, he obviously looks insane and he probably is....Or is he?
Everyone has heard the clichéd conversations about how we don't have time anymore. We all know, its true we don't, but nobody does anything to rectify that. I mean sure, after a hectic day at work, we've got families to take care of, homework to complete, assignments to write. But even when we're not doing anything, we find something to do... for instance facebook, Instagram or youtube etcetera.
As I do, when I'm free I use Instagram, or youtube or find movies to watch; and sometimes when I can't fall asleep I watch Top Gear(The Clarkson/Hammond/May one) not because its a boring show or anything but because I have watched all the episodes a great many number of times and hence they provide a sense of familiarity and comfort and I drift off to sleep. The alternate option is that I just lie down and start thinking and hopefully fall asleep after I am lost in the train of thought.
While, we are in that train of thought we're talking to ourselves. And that is a factor we all are missing in our lives.
Talking to oneself is an important factor in one's life. We all do that throughout the day about little things as brushing teeth, dressing up, listening to lectures, but we never just talk to our self for the fun of it. I have watched hundreds of movies where the couple breaks up because they drifted apart due to lack of communication. They didn't talk to each other enough and they got divorced. And We live with ourselves and we never care to have a date night with ourselves. We take our self for granted. Even when we do talk, we do it with so little respect as if we were slaves in our own body. We need to give time to ourselves, listen to our own problems. We can be our own best friend. One must try talking to oneself without losing the people he/she is related to because family is all you'll ever have or need. But just a smile thrown your own way would not go in vain. I think its one of the most underrated things in the world.
I think if we just sat and talked to ourselves with respect for about 15 minutes a day, our lives could be better. I try to write poems and all and whatever rubbish I do write I write at night. Before falling asleep because that is the only time that I talk to myself without interruption, without the worry of tomorrow, or the disappointment of yesterday. Its just me, me and the night. I close my eyes and think about the noise the fan makes and I let that thought take me someplace else, someplace I've not seen before, someplace about which I've heard stories about, someplace my own.
I believe there is beauty in staring at walls, if one cares to find it.
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